Now it's officially an UN-Stable, there are 2 bovines residing in there. The 4H steers now live in the other big pen across from the stalls. Their names are, funnily enuf, Big Mac (who is big) and Happy Meal (who is little). Cowgirl and the new heifer, Little Red, reside with the other heifers in another barn. So begins another round of 4H adventures...
Sierra is doing fantastic, I switched her menu to be her same feed but as a hot mash, and warm her water so nothing cold goes into her. She has stopped needing a blanket or getting the shivers. She's also doing the same thing Pheonix did when she was younger, and that is calling when she hears our voices. Sierra is quite the talker lol. Her mane and tail are really growing out, as is her coat, and it's lifting off the scabs from rainrot. I really cant wait to finally brush her but to try now would torture the poor thing. I wormed her again, with Equevan this time, and her belly has slowly been going away and her condition looking better. I hope to get some new pics of her and see how they compare.
Had a good session with Pheonix last nite as well and got her all spiffy. She has the weirdest quirk I've yet seen in a horse, and that is an obsession with getting her face rubbed or touched. It's her favorite and she's always looking for it, and she just dozes off like it's heaven. She even likes to have her head cradled, wrapping an arm around her head and holding it against me like she's getting a noogie in her hair. She doesnt even care that her eyes are covered up. I have never run into a horse that trusting of thier head that they'll surrender it that far just to get petted. She's getting to be a big girl too, I can't wait for this summer. She's doesnt talk as much as she used to, but she's the puppy that follows you everywhere and meets you at the gate.
Tonite will be somebody else's turn to get brushed out...
Kajun is still cough-free and this winter she's even taken to bucking and rearing when playing, and initiating the play. She hasn't done that since before her surgery so to see that again is a miracle! I cant recommend Safe-Choice feed enuf, that is the only thing I did differently this year.
Cim has a case of cabin fever or winter blues-- he's being extremely naughty trying to escape his stall or break into the Un-Stable during the day when they're turned out. He just doesnt wanna wait to get his oats but the tackroom is Cimproof, so ha!
Buckley is herself, her shin had a bump and she favored it for awhile, but she's rambling around like she used to. She had this once before and I wondered if she didnt get kicked there or something.
Dusty- OMG Dusty. He isnt looking much like a pony anymore! I think there's more Arab in him than what was previously thought, cuz he is taller than Cim now and hasnt hit 3 yet (he will this summer) He was another case of skinny foal and seems to have hit a growth spurt. Still he is beautiful, but I'm thinking he's beyond what Jake could manage as a green horse. So Jake will haveta content with riding Buckley or riding double or being ponied. Dusty's going back to finish his driving training in the summer and from there either I'll send him out to ride or start ponying him on trailrides to get him used to all that before Jake gets to ride him. It's one thing to sit on and have me lead a horse, and another to ride it.
Twista is herself as well, I really wish the weather would cooperate on my days off to spend more time. I have a feeling she'd be squirrelly the first couople rides though lol.
Kazza has trained himself to stand in the same place everynite and pose to be haltered- he then gets his half-cup of oats and thinks he did a very clever thing tricking me like that ;). Yesterday he and Sierra were tearing around bucking, it was funny.
Awhile back I'd found one of my 'bucketlist' horses- it was a black overo filly, quiet and done-it-all for her age, mostly black with a bald face and white markings on the sides. (pretty much like Kajun only the filly was 'louder') She was perfect except for 2 things- she would be 2 this spring and she wasnt registered. Now I'm not one to pass up on grades, but being I wanna someday raise colts again, I prefer the bucket horses be papered cuz those colts sell better. Of course, getting chewed out by the owner that I couldnt make it to come see it on the day we'd hoped was kinda awkward, so I wrote it off that she was probably too mad about her plans changing that she wouldnt wanna bother trying to sell to me. So I apologized and wrote it off. In the meantime Sierra came and needed a buddy closer to her age and I was actively looking again. Out of the blue this lady calls and asks if I'd like to buy this filly half-price, otherwise she's taking her to the salebarn. Somebody there got a nice filly, but it wasn't me. It kinda chapped me- this lady just opened a new store so should KNOW basic salesman skills- and chewing out a potential customer is not how you sell things. I told her I was given a colt and my barn was full now. I didnt have the streak to tell her I dont pay people $ to chew me out- I get enuf of that for free lol. So any of you out there who are trying to sell horses- Dont cuss out the only (or any!) caller you get on that animal!
But it was all for the better, and I'm glad I passed up on it. Rhonda will be having some colts this spring and I know they'll be good. The rescues are Pheonix's mom and sister, and turned out to be bred to a perlino, So I'm really hoping they'll have girls! I think at this point color or pattern doesnt even matter, so long as they are like Pheonix and Sierra I know I'd have a winner. So please,please,please be girls!!