It has been raining and storming the last 3 days, so there's mud everywhere. This has kept outdoor activities to a minimum, so a good chance to catch up on some indoor stuff. The Suffolk bridle has come but seriously needs a good cleaning, it is rather gross and even smelly. I will have to get some pics and see what it cleans up like before I give an opinion. It made me realize that hmmm, I must really have a thing about clean tack cuz I would never use this as it has arrived, which is just my preference. Which then made me think some more that I've never been 'held accountable' , for being a stickler about it- I dont show so I dont get judged or whatever for how my gear looks, nor has anybody in general horse public ever commented on whether I have clean, dirty, cheap or expensive tack so it's not like Im under scrutiny by anybody (in my area it's just not the thing really, or at least Ive been lucky to not run into it, or probably not even noticed if I did lol) . But I am accountable to myself. And I want my stuff to look brand new as long as possible so that means some extra care. I wonder how it would be if I were to find myself in a boarding situation where it seems, according to youtube, that there's alot of equipment scrutiny, among other things. I would probably be laughed at for alot of things, but dirty tack wouldnt be one of them ;). Probably my "outfit to the barn" though lol... Seriously, in all honesty that's one of the more rediculous things Ive seen on youtube, and it makes me tune out whatever else the person has to say when the outfit means more than the horse and that people ought to film it, and others ought to watch it. Seriously, just show me the horse.
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