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just a girl with alot on her mind

Saturday, April 25, 2015

the Gatsby Bridle review...

And it came today so here's my first impressions. This particular one is the Fancy Snaffle Bridle, with matching reins. First of all, the leather is nice and soft, it came already oiled and ready to go, I had oil all over my hands just from handling it to put a bit on, but that said, far preferable to a "crispy" dried out one! The bit was very easy to attatch due to the softness of the straps, which are also a bit thick and not flimsy at all. However, the strap ends are not as crisp-clean cut as what Im used to seeing, 2 on this particular one are going to need a trim to give nice edges (they are ragged but purely a matter of looks and not function) 
The stitching, shown here on the noseband, looks neat and tidy.
If I were to see this leather in western styles it would be called Latigo, for that is what it reminds me of, the color is a rather burgundy shade but is named Havana. I think of a chocolate color when I think of Havana-colored tack, but it's still a deep brown color, just has a burgundy tint to it, at least new out of the package, and maybe that's the shade these days, lol I havent paid attention the last few years. 
The reins feel nice too, and a bit thicker than the other english reins I have, which suits me just fine. I prefer a heavier rein so I dont need as much 'signal' to the bit, and these have the same feel as the Weaver reins I use. In my own opinion, since my horses dont know english and it's so much bit contact, we are going to have to go slow because they are smooth on the bit, and used to the release of pressure and one handed 'steering'. So a heavy rein might be just the thing to keep it somewhat familiar for both of us, rather than a thin and flimsy one that needs more oomph to signal. I dunno, it's just what I wonder and I dont want them to be all "Lady, get outta my face!" 
All that remains to see is how it fits on my horses, but so far I'm impressed with this bridle. I've paid more for less quality and quality is what matters to me.

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